Dr. Dan Wool


Persistent fatigue and low energy can affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally. When your body’s not operating at its best, it can be caused by a combination of underlying conditions or diseases impacting your ability to enjoy your life fully. Dr. Dan Wool provides naturopathic treatment to eliminate fatigue, renew your energy, and restore your drive naturally.

Tired Bodies and Exhaustion: Naturopathic Support Combats Fatigue and Low Energy

Fatigue is characterized by persistent, ongoing tiredness and is a symptom often attributed to our physiological processes. When our bodies are not operating optimally, fatigue and low energy can be associated with many underlying conditions or diseases not firmly addressed by conventional doctors.

Some of the most common conditions and diseases associated with fatigue include thyroid disorders, adrenal insufficiency, metabolic syndromes, malnutrition, and hormone imbalances. These conditions can impact other aspects of your life, including your ability to sleep well and absorb the nutrients your body needs to function. Hormones, the gut microbiome, cellular regulation, and neurotransmitter signals – the systems that regulate our bodies – can all impact our ability to maintain energy and heal our bodies.

Many doctors simply chase single symptoms or prescribe medications; Dr. Dan Wool provides a more holistic and natural approach for combatting fatigue, restoring your relationship with your body, and treating its underlying conditions.

Dr. Wool’s Energy Renewal Plan for Symptoms of Fatigue

Dr. Wool uses various naturopathic methods to uncover and treat underlying issues responsible for your fatigue. As a natural gut and hormone health doctor, Dr. Wool’s energy renewal plan can address your low energy through the following simple steps:

  • Meet and Assess: After meeting with Dr. Wool, he will perform a thorough 90-minute intake and exam to assess your current symptoms, medical history, and other factors that affect your fatigue. 
  • Testing: After the initial appointment, Dr. Wool will order wellness blood panels, hormone panels, food intolerance testing, and/or neurotransmitter tests to provide a proper diagnosis. If needed, referrals may be recommended.
  • Review: Once the test results are received, Dr. Wool will provide a comprehensive, easy-to-understand review of his findings at your next appointment.
  • Treatment: Dr. Wool will recommend a treatment plan customized to your symptoms and underlying conditions, providing a plan for hormonal treatments, herbal supplements, stress management, and nutritional guidance to improve your sleep.
  • Connect and Follow-Up: e will schedule regular follow-up appointments to reconnect with you and track your progress.

Dr. Dan Wool, NMD, takes an approach to treat your low energy and ensure your physiological processes are working at optimal levels. He prides himself on being a partner through your treatment plan to help you feel your absolute best and prevent future complications. As a naturopathic medical doctor, he offers a whole-body approach and addresses the root cause of your symptoms to give you peace of mind. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wool today to see how he can help you reconnect to your natural energy again.